Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Closer-to-Reality DhammaVinaya Seminar

Identify, discuss and rectify misconceptions of the DhammaVinaya. 23 (Fri) - 26 (Mon) November 2007 Is the Pali Canon our original scriptures? • Is there an intermediate state between lives? • Is making offerings to devas and to departed ones against the Buddha's teachings? • Was the Buddha a prince? • Does the orthodox Theravadin understanding of jhana agree with the suttas? • Is the path (magga) of enlightenment a thought moment just before fruition (phala)? • Does the Kalama Sutta say that we should accept things based on our reasoning? • Did the Buddha say, "He who serves the sick serves me"? • Are the stories of Dhammapada and Jataka the word of the Buddha?In the spiritof the Four Great Standardsand the Kalama Sutta,participants of this seminarshall explore these questions and more.[seminar n. 1. conference; meeting for an exchange of ideas. 2. A course offered for a small group of advanced students.]Together we shall identify, discuss and help rectify some of the popular misconceptions and misinterpretations of the DhammaVinaya that have crept into Buddhism and are commonly believed by Buddhists themselves - Theravadin Buddhists in particular. Application forms and details can be obtained from:

SBS Website
SBS Main Office t: 05-808 4429 f: 05-808 4423
e: office@sasanarakkha .org
Closing date: 23 October 2007

Dhamma speakers and others involved in Dhamma propagation are most welcome and shall be given priority in the approval of applications.

Goh QS

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