Saturday, December 30, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006




我們營中的小可愛,chicken little!









Monday, December 04, 2006
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Hi hi!
Our Uni is going to have a intercultural and interreligious week next year. There will be an exhibition.Hmm,any ideas or suggestions what can we exhibit?
We'll do some posters on why we commemorate Wesak day.
What is Kathina day.
Please feel free to drop your suggestion here ya.
And do drop by at our uni google web page,read it using Group BETA,there is a small icon on the top page,click it to view with group BETA,it's nicer layout and more organised:)
IMU Buddhist Society
Sukhi Hotu
Our Uni is going to have a intercultural and interreligious week next year. There will be an exhibition.Hmm,any ideas or suggestions what can we exhibit?
We'll do some posters on why we commemorate Wesak day.
What is Kathina day.
Please feel free to drop your suggestion here ya.
And do drop by at our uni google web page,read it using Group BETA,there is a small icon on the top page,click it to view with group BETA,it's nicer layout and more organised:)
IMU Buddhist Society
Sukhi Hotu
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
─ 伤在他身, 痛在我心 [ 关于慈悲 ]
1. 悲即是同情心。能互相宽谅、容忍, 表现一分宽心、爱心, 即是悲心;
2. 没有数字的代价即为『无量』。
付出劳力服务, 又服务的很欢喜便叫做『喜舍』。
3. 慈悲喜舍这四个字, 分开来说,
慈喜是予乐, 是教富;
4. 慈就是爱, 是清净的爱。
『无缘大慈』, 是指没有污染的爱:
他与我虽然无缘无故, 而我却能爱他;
爱的他快乐, 我也没烦恼。
1. 众生与我无缘无故, 他的苦就是我的苦, 他的痛就是我的痛。
苦在他的生, 忧在我的心; 伤在他的身痛在我的心
2. 要慈眼视众生要把无形化作有形, 把理论化成行动;
要时时刻刻拿出一分「我们不去救他, 谁去救他」的大慈大悲的济助精神;
能如此, 举世亦可成为净土。
3. 慈悲是救世的泉源, 但无智不成大慈悲,
4. 真正的妙法是以至慧流露出来, 真正的慈悲是用力量去推动的。
5. 佛陀讲慈悲, 是以爱心仁德为体, 以诚正和睦为用。
6. 能救人的人就叫作菩萨。把握一日的付出, 即是一日的菩萨。
7. 菩萨精神是永远融入中生的精神。要让菩萨精神永远存在这个世界,
不能只有理论, 也要有实质的表现。
慈悲与愿力是理论, 服务众生的工作就是实质的表达,
8. 把慈悲形象化, 付之具体的行动
第四篇 -- 清净的莲花 [ 开启「智慧」, 播「善」种 ]
1. 每个人的心中都有一朵清净的莲花,
都有无量的智慧 --
把良知、良能启发出来, 则福慧果报无量!
2. 佛陀在人间, 无非是要教导众生自觉有与他同等的这份智慧,
3. 学佛必须要遵守佛陀教育我们的三个原则: 戒、定、慧。
戒是生活行动的宗旨, 用来教戒我们的心不做坏事;
行为不发生差错, 心就有定力, 精神就会统一;
4. 心有定力, 智慧自然产生。
人生常为外境所影响, 即是定力不够, 学佛即是要定。
「定」用现代语讲, 就是庄敬自强。
1. 有智慧的人, 所带走的是觉误了之后的有情。
2. 聪明的人不一定具有智慧, 但是智慧一定包括聪明;
聪明只是一种计量利弊得失的能力, 贪婪诡诈也是聪明的象徵。
3. 聪明的人得失心重, 有智慧的人则勇于舍得。
4. 同样一个「得」字, 有「舍得」, 也有「得失」两种完全不同的界心境。
有智慧的人就能够舍, 能「舍」也就能「得」, 能得无限的快乐;
不能「舍」就会有「失」, 失去了心境的安宁。
1. 不经一事, 不长一智, 智慧是从人与事之间磨练出来的,
若逃避现实, 离开人与事, 便无从产生智慧。
2. 能付出爱心就是福, 能消除烦恼就是慧。
3. 智慧与烦恼好像手心与手背。其实两者都在同一只手上,
但手背无法拿东西, 若反过掌来用手心, 则双手万能。
4. 善是利益, 恶是损害。
一念之非即种恶因, 一念之是即得善果。
1. 心田要多播善的种子, 多一粒善的种子, 就可减少一支杂草。
土地不耕种, 则必杂草丛生;
所以行善要日日行、时时行, 不断去行, 那怕是举手投足也要存有一分善念。
2. 做好事并不是为求名, 也不是为求功德;
3. 善字的意思是适度、刚刚好。
不偏不倚、不极端、爱的不会太过份, 也不会产生怨恨心;
对自己所爱的人, 能以智慧断除占有的感情,
对自己不爱的或不投缘的人, 能尽量善解, 以好的心念去对待人。
第五篇 无染的爱 [迈入人格升华的境界]
1. 什么是人生最有价值的呢? 就是爱.
把牺牲当作享受, 能够付出爱心的人, 永远都很快乐,
2. 不管是爱人或是被爱都是幸福的.
3. 不要封闭自己. 你要先爱别人, 别人才会爱你.
4. 人要自爱, 才能爱普天下的人.
1. 待人退一步, 爱人宽一步, 在人生道中就会活的很快乐.
2. 倘能以爱待人, 以慈对人, 则不惹祸伤身;
所以做人应该吃点亏, 做个大智若愚的人.
3. 把气愤的心境转为柔和, 把柔和的心境再转换为爱,
如此, 这个世间将愈益完美.
4. 布施不是有钱人的专利品, 而是一份虔诚的爱心.
1. 人生最悲哀的感受莫过于「人有眷属, 唯我独无」。
因此, 菩萨道行者说: 「你们看待世间一切众生,
年龄与己相近者, 就当作兄弟姐妹去敬爱他;
年龄比较幼小的, 则当作自己的子女一般去爱护他....」
2. 爱, 绝不能夹杂著烦恼, 因位有烦恼就会有污染。
3. 要培养一份清净无染的爱。
在感情上不要有得失心, 不要想回收, 就不会有烦恼。
1. 有所求的爱, 是无法永久存在的。
能够永久存在的, 就是那份无形、无染而无求的爱。
2. 父母过分爱子女的心力会反射成子女的烦恼,
对子女要放心, 他们才能安心。
3. 清茶淡香, 既可口又提神; 若太浓则苦得喝不下。
4. 爱----这件东西在人心中常觉得奇缺, 常觉得饥恶难饱足, 像饿鬼一样。
人在爱欲中, 是永远没办法满足的。
□ 第六篇 饱满的稻穗 [谦虚、柔忍、争与和] □
1. 佛陀常常警惕弟子, 即使已经智慧圆融, 更应含蓄谦虚,
像稻穗一样, 米粒愈饱满垂的愈低。
2. 真正的智慧人生, 必定有诚意谦虚的态度;
3. 修行最重要的目标即是无我。因为你能缩小自己、放大心胸、
包容一切、尊重别人, 别人也一定会来尊重你, 接受你。
[注] 修行: 修身养性, 端正行为 -- 1993/11/14 证严上人于
4. 唯其尊重自己的人, 才更勇于缩小自己。
1. 缩小自己, 要能缩到对方的眼睛里、耳朵里;
既不伤他, 还要能嵌在对方的心头上。
2. 一粒沙就扎到脚, 一颗小石子就扎到心,
3. 不能低头的人是因为一再回顾过去的成就。
4. 看淡自己是般若, 看重自己是执著。
1. 众生有烦恼, 是因为我执的关系。以「我」的自私心理为中心, 以自我为大,
不但使自己痛苦, 也影响周围的人群跟著争执痛苦。
忘我, 才能于修身养性中, 造就身心健康、幸福的人生观。
2. 爱是人间的一分力量; 但是只有爱, 还不够, 必须还要有个「忍」--
忍辱、忍让、忍耐, 能忍则能安。
3. 要做个受人欢迎的人, 做个被爱的人, 就必须先照顾好自我的声和色。
面容动作、言谈举止, 都是在日常生活中修养忍辱得来的。
4. 修行者的本分事是忍耐和付出, 因为修养原是个人的行为。
人生在世, 假若欠缺了爱, 日子将了无生趣, 毫无意义.
但若只局限于染著的小爱, 则容益损人毁己, 造成伤害;
所以应该发挥无色彩的清净大爱, 只有付出不求回报,
让被我们爱的人没有压力, 欢喜自在.
1. 有钱也苦, 没钱也苦, 闲也苦, 忙也苦, 世间有那几个人不苦呢?
说苦是因为他不能堪忍! 愈是不能堪忍的人, 愈是痛苦.
2. 娑婆世界又译成堪忍世界, 亦即要堪的起忍耐, 才有办法在世间生存得更自在.
3. 忍不是最高的境界, 能够达到看开忍, 则会觉得一切逆境都是很自然的事.
4. 做事, 一定要秉持著『正』与『诚』的原则; 而待人,
则要以『宽』与『柔』的态度。要以宗教者超然的型态, 宽大的心胸来容纳任何人□
祝 福慧双修 功德无量
【录自: 佛教经典系列】
─ 伤在他身, 痛在我心 [ 关于慈悲 ]
1. 悲即是同情心。能互相宽谅、容忍, 表现一分宽心、爱心, 即是悲心;
2. 没有数字的代价即为『无量』。
付出劳力服务, 又服务的很欢喜便叫做『喜舍』。
3. 慈悲喜舍这四个字, 分开来说,
慈喜是予乐, 是教富;
4. 慈就是爱, 是清净的爱。
『无缘大慈』, 是指没有污染的爱:
他与我虽然无缘无故, 而我却能爱他;
爱的他快乐, 我也没烦恼。
1. 众生与我无缘无故, 他的苦就是我的苦, 他的痛就是我的痛。
苦在他的生, 忧在我的心; 伤在他的身痛在我的心
2. 要慈眼视众生要把无形化作有形, 把理论化成行动;
要时时刻刻拿出一分「我们不去救他, 谁去救他」的大慈大悲的济助精神;
能如此, 举世亦可成为净土。
3. 慈悲是救世的泉源, 但无智不成大慈悲,
4. 真正的妙法是以至慧流露出来, 真正的慈悲是用力量去推动的。
5. 佛陀讲慈悲, 是以爱心仁德为体, 以诚正和睦为用。
6. 能救人的人就叫作菩萨。把握一日的付出, 即是一日的菩萨。
7. 菩萨精神是永远融入中生的精神。要让菩萨精神永远存在这个世界,
不能只有理论, 也要有实质的表现。
慈悲与愿力是理论, 服务众生的工作就是实质的表达,
8. 把慈悲形象化, 付之具体的行动
第四篇 -- 清净的莲花 [ 开启「智慧」, 播「善」种 ]
1. 每个人的心中都有一朵清净的莲花,
都有无量的智慧 --
把良知、良能启发出来, 则福慧果报无量!
2. 佛陀在人间, 无非是要教导众生自觉有与他同等的这份智慧,
3. 学佛必须要遵守佛陀教育我们的三个原则: 戒、定、慧。
戒是生活行动的宗旨, 用来教戒我们的心不做坏事;
行为不发生差错, 心就有定力, 精神就会统一;
4. 心有定力, 智慧自然产生。
人生常为外境所影响, 即是定力不够, 学佛即是要定。
「定」用现代语讲, 就是庄敬自强。
1. 有智慧的人, 所带走的是觉误了之后的有情。
2. 聪明的人不一定具有智慧, 但是智慧一定包括聪明;
聪明只是一种计量利弊得失的能力, 贪婪诡诈也是聪明的象徵。
3. 聪明的人得失心重, 有智慧的人则勇于舍得。
4. 同样一个「得」字, 有「舍得」, 也有「得失」两种完全不同的界心境。
有智慧的人就能够舍, 能「舍」也就能「得」, 能得无限的快乐;
不能「舍」就会有「失」, 失去了心境的安宁。
1. 不经一事, 不长一智, 智慧是从人与事之间磨练出来的,
若逃避现实, 离开人与事, 便无从产生智慧。
2. 能付出爱心就是福, 能消除烦恼就是慧。
3. 智慧与烦恼好像手心与手背。其实两者都在同一只手上,
但手背无法拿东西, 若反过掌来用手心, 则双手万能。
4. 善是利益, 恶是损害。
一念之非即种恶因, 一念之是即得善果。
1. 心田要多播善的种子, 多一粒善的种子, 就可减少一支杂草。
土地不耕种, 则必杂草丛生;
所以行善要日日行、时时行, 不断去行, 那怕是举手投足也要存有一分善念。
2. 做好事并不是为求名, 也不是为求功德;
3. 善字的意思是适度、刚刚好。
不偏不倚、不极端、爱的不会太过份, 也不会产生怨恨心;
对自己所爱的人, 能以智慧断除占有的感情,
对自己不爱的或不投缘的人, 能尽量善解, 以好的心念去对待人。
第五篇 无染的爱 [迈入人格升华的境界]
1. 什么是人生最有价值的呢? 就是爱.
把牺牲当作享受, 能够付出爱心的人, 永远都很快乐,
2. 不管是爱人或是被爱都是幸福的.
3. 不要封闭自己. 你要先爱别人, 别人才会爱你.
4. 人要自爱, 才能爱普天下的人.
1. 待人退一步, 爱人宽一步, 在人生道中就会活的很快乐.
2. 倘能以爱待人, 以慈对人, 则不惹祸伤身;
所以做人应该吃点亏, 做个大智若愚的人.
3. 把气愤的心境转为柔和, 把柔和的心境再转换为爱,
如此, 这个世间将愈益完美.
4. 布施不是有钱人的专利品, 而是一份虔诚的爱心.
1. 人生最悲哀的感受莫过于「人有眷属, 唯我独无」。
因此, 菩萨道行者说: 「你们看待世间一切众生,
年龄与己相近者, 就当作兄弟姐妹去敬爱他;
年龄比较幼小的, 则当作自己的子女一般去爱护他....」
2. 爱, 绝不能夹杂著烦恼, 因位有烦恼就会有污染。
3. 要培养一份清净无染的爱。
在感情上不要有得失心, 不要想回收, 就不会有烦恼。
1. 有所求的爱, 是无法永久存在的。
能够永久存在的, 就是那份无形、无染而无求的爱。
2. 父母过分爱子女的心力会反射成子女的烦恼,
对子女要放心, 他们才能安心。
3. 清茶淡香, 既可口又提神; 若太浓则苦得喝不下。
4. 爱----这件东西在人心中常觉得奇缺, 常觉得饥恶难饱足, 像饿鬼一样。
人在爱欲中, 是永远没办法满足的。
□ 第六篇 饱满的稻穗 [谦虚、柔忍、争与和] □
1. 佛陀常常警惕弟子, 即使已经智慧圆融, 更应含蓄谦虚,
像稻穗一样, 米粒愈饱满垂的愈低。
2. 真正的智慧人生, 必定有诚意谦虚的态度;
3. 修行最重要的目标即是无我。因为你能缩小自己、放大心胸、
包容一切、尊重别人, 别人也一定会来尊重你, 接受你。
[注] 修行: 修身养性, 端正行为 -- 1993/11/14 证严上人于
4. 唯其尊重自己的人, 才更勇于缩小自己。
1. 缩小自己, 要能缩到对方的眼睛里、耳朵里;
既不伤他, 还要能嵌在对方的心头上。
2. 一粒沙就扎到脚, 一颗小石子就扎到心,
3. 不能低头的人是因为一再回顾过去的成就。
4. 看淡自己是般若, 看重自己是执著。
1. 众生有烦恼, 是因为我执的关系。以「我」的自私心理为中心, 以自我为大,
不但使自己痛苦, 也影响周围的人群跟著争执痛苦。
忘我, 才能于修身养性中, 造就身心健康、幸福的人生观。
2. 爱是人间的一分力量; 但是只有爱, 还不够, 必须还要有个「忍」--
忍辱、忍让、忍耐, 能忍则能安。
3. 要做个受人欢迎的人, 做个被爱的人, 就必须先照顾好自我的声和色。
面容动作、言谈举止, 都是在日常生活中修养忍辱得来的。
4. 修行者的本分事是忍耐和付出, 因为修养原是个人的行为。
人生在世, 假若欠缺了爱, 日子将了无生趣, 毫无意义.
但若只局限于染著的小爱, 则容益损人毁己, 造成伤害;
所以应该发挥无色彩的清净大爱, 只有付出不求回报,
让被我们爱的人没有压力, 欢喜自在.
1. 有钱也苦, 没钱也苦, 闲也苦, 忙也苦, 世间有那几个人不苦呢?
说苦是因为他不能堪忍! 愈是不能堪忍的人, 愈是痛苦.
2. 娑婆世界又译成堪忍世界, 亦即要堪的起忍耐, 才有办法在世间生存得更自在.
3. 忍不是最高的境界, 能够达到看开忍, 则会觉得一切逆境都是很自然的事.
4. 做事, 一定要秉持著『正』与『诚』的原则; 而待人,
则要以『宽』与『柔』的态度。要以宗教者超然的型态, 宽大的心胸来容纳任何人□
祝 福慧双修 功德无量
【录自: 佛教经典系列】
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Hello again!
Check out our uni Buddhist Society website at http://groups-beta.google.com/group/imubuddhistsociety
Ehi Pasiko!
Check out our uni Buddhist Society website at http://groups-beta.google.com/group/imubuddhistsociety
Ehi Pasiko!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
大家好, 你们知道吗? 民都鲁的二哥上个星期进了医院,因参与残瘴中心的所主办的义卖会.操劳过度, 导轻微的中风. 现今已经出院了.也没什么大碍了.我去了民都鲁看了二哥. 现在身体状况很好了,二哥要多多休息, 不然血压会过高. 二伟大的精神值得我们去学习的. 感谢佛菩萨的保佑平安,健康,快乐.阿弥陀佛.
大家好, 你们知道吗? 民都鲁的二哥上个星期进了医院,因参与残瘴中心的所主办的义卖会.操劳过度, 导轻微的中风. 现今已经出院了.也没什么大碍了.我去了民都鲁看了二哥. 现在身体状况很好了,二哥要多多休息, 不然血压会过高. 二伟大的精神值得我们去学习的. 感谢佛菩萨的保佑平安,健康,快乐.阿弥陀佛.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Hello everyone.
Recently, I've just discovered this song called "Mad World".
The music is soft and slow. I bet everyone will like it. Try to download and listen to it. Very meanigful and touching.
Is called Mad World by Gary Jules.
or you can watch it in : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N3N1MlvVc4
Recently, I've just discovered this song called "Mad World".
The music is soft and slow. I bet everyone will like it. Try to download and listen to it. Very meanigful and touching.
Is called Mad World by Gary Jules.
or you can watch it in : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N3N1MlvVc4
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Hi Bro and sis in the Dhamma:)
Is there any Kathina ceremony going on in Miri?
Our Uni will join the ceremony at Nalanda Buddhist Centre,Serdang tml:)
We managed to collected RM300++ from the members,so we'll donate 3 robes for the sangha:)
It's part of our yearly activity,to enculcate the practice of Dana:)
Will post some pictures after i get back ya:)
Sukhi Hotu
Is there any Kathina ceremony going on in Miri?
Our Uni will join the ceremony at Nalanda Buddhist Centre,Serdang tml:)
We managed to collected RM300++ from the members,so we'll donate 3 robes for the sangha:)
It's part of our yearly activity,to enculcate the practice of Dana:)
Will post some pictures after i get back ya:)
Sukhi Hotu
Friday, October 27, 2006
1. Jika anda makan satay, jangan pula lupa timunnya, sebabnya memakan satay bersama karbon yang terhasil selepas pembakaran akan mendatangkan kesan karsinogen! Apa bendanya karsinogen tu? (Ianya ialah suatu keadaan yang menyebabkan barah). Timun pula adalah anti-karsinogen.
2. Jangan makan udang selepas mengambil pil vitamin C ! Yang mana anda akan mati keracunan Arsenik dalam beberapa jam sahaja.
3. Cuba yang ni bagi penggemar makanan ni "Bah Kut Teh" (babi). Banyak orang Cina suka makan yang ni, lihatlah sebelum terlambat. Cuba tuangkan Coke (minuman bersoda) atas kepingan daging babi tu dan tunggu sekejap, anda boleh tengok ulat berenyut-renyut keluar dari sana. Fakta diperolehi dari 'Health Corporation of Singapore'.
4. Barah akibat penggunaan bahan dalam Shampoo. Balik rumah dan pergi periksa. Tukarlah ke jenama lain sebelum terlambat, jika kandungan dalam shampoo anda mengandungi Sodium Laureth Sulfate atau ringkasnya SLS. Bahan ini akan menyebabkan barah dalam jangka masa yang panjang dan ini bukannya jenaka. Shampoo yang disahkan mengandungi bahan ini ialah; VO5, Palmolive, Paul Mitchell, L'Oreal, Hemp Shampoo terbaru keluaran body shop, Nature Force dan lain-lain lagi. Shampoo Clairol's Herbal Essence adalah satu-satunya yang mengandungi Sodium Laureth Sulfate secara tunggal. Meskipun pertanyaan telahpun dibuat terhadap syarikat ini dan jawapan dari mereka ialah, "Ya memang kami dah tahu masalah ini tetapi kami tidak boleh melakukan apa-apa kerana kami memerlukan bahan yang boleh mengeluarkan busa yang banyak". Dalam pada itu, Pasta Colgate & Dee Dee (untuk kanak-kanak) turut mengandungi bahan yang sama untuk penghasilan busa.
5. Kepada penggemar makanan jenis mee segera (tak kiralah maggi, koayteow dsb), Pastikan berhenti makan dulu sekurang-kurangnya 3 hari selepas mengambil mee segera sebelum mengambil paket yang seterusnya. Maklumat yang dikongsi bersama dengan seorang doctor. Keluarga saya telah menghentikan pengambilan makanan ini setelah mendapat tahu berkenaan salutan wax ke atas makanan ini. Inilah yang menyebabkan mee segera tidak melekat antara satu sama lain apabila dimasak. Telah dinyatakan terdahulu melalui SEORANG AKTOR dari SBC (sekarang ni dikenali sebagai TCS). Beberapa tahun lalu, yang mana kariernya membuatkan beliau sangat sibuk untuk memasak, jalan mudah mengambil mee segera setiap hari. Kemudiannya beliau disahkan menghidap barah. Barahnya disebabkan wax dalam mee segera. Doktor juga memberitahu yang badan manusia memerlukan 2 hari untuk membersihkan wax dari sistem badan. Seorang lagi mangsa yang serupa ialah Pramugara dari SIA yang mana setelah berpindah dari rumah ibunya ke rumahnya sendiri, Dia tidak memasak tetapi kerap makan mee segera. Dia didapati menghidap barah dan mati selepas itu. Sekarang ini tindakan memakan mee segera bolehlah diistilahkan sebagai 'makan untuk mendapat barah'. Kalau istilah James Bond , 'Licence to kill!'
6. Bawang Goreng segera, Seorang kawan melawat ke sebuah perusahaan kecil membuat bawang goreng, dan melihat terdapat banyak straw minuman. Yang bewarna dan tidak bewarna diasingkan. Apa yang mengejutkan ialah straw yang tidak bewarna dicampur bersama gorengan bawang yang bertujuan apabila plastik straw tersebut dipanaskan, ianya melebur lantas menyaluti bawang tersebut. Sebab itulah kalau bawang goreng segera yang dibeli terdedah kepada udara tak akan lembik tapi kalau kita buat sendiri lembik dalam masa yang singkat sahaja. Sebarkanlah maklumat ini kepada orang- orang yang anda sayangi dan pengguna yang masih belum disedarkan lagi.
1. Jika anda makan satay, jangan pula lupa timunnya, sebabnya memakan satay bersama karbon yang terhasil selepas pembakaran akan mendatangkan kesan karsinogen! Apa bendanya karsinogen tu? (Ianya ialah suatu keadaan yang menyebabkan barah). Timun pula adalah anti-karsinogen.
2. Jangan makan udang selepas mengambil pil vitamin C ! Yang mana anda akan mati keracunan Arsenik dalam beberapa jam sahaja.
3. Cuba yang ni bagi penggemar makanan ni "Bah Kut Teh" (babi). Banyak orang Cina suka makan yang ni, lihatlah sebelum terlambat. Cuba tuangkan Coke (minuman bersoda) atas kepingan daging babi tu dan tunggu sekejap, anda boleh tengok ulat berenyut-renyut keluar dari sana. Fakta diperolehi dari 'Health Corporation of Singapore'.
4. Barah akibat penggunaan bahan dalam Shampoo. Balik rumah dan pergi periksa. Tukarlah ke jenama lain sebelum terlambat, jika kandungan dalam shampoo anda mengandungi Sodium Laureth Sulfate atau ringkasnya SLS. Bahan ini akan menyebabkan barah dalam jangka masa yang panjang dan ini bukannya jenaka. Shampoo yang disahkan mengandungi bahan ini ialah; VO5, Palmolive, Paul Mitchell, L'Oreal, Hemp Shampoo terbaru keluaran body shop, Nature Force dan lain-lain lagi. Shampoo Clairol's Herbal Essence adalah satu-satunya yang mengandungi Sodium Laureth Sulfate secara tunggal. Meskipun pertanyaan telahpun dibuat terhadap syarikat ini dan jawapan dari mereka ialah, "Ya memang kami dah tahu masalah ini tetapi kami tidak boleh melakukan apa-apa kerana kami memerlukan bahan yang boleh mengeluarkan busa yang banyak". Dalam pada itu, Pasta Colgate & Dee Dee (untuk kanak-kanak) turut mengandungi bahan yang sama untuk penghasilan busa.
5. Kepada penggemar makanan jenis mee segera (tak kiralah maggi, koayteow dsb), Pastikan berhenti makan dulu sekurang-kurangnya 3 hari selepas mengambil mee segera sebelum mengambil paket yang seterusnya. Maklumat yang dikongsi bersama dengan seorang doctor. Keluarga saya telah menghentikan pengambilan makanan ini setelah mendapat tahu berkenaan salutan wax ke atas makanan ini. Inilah yang menyebabkan mee segera tidak melekat antara satu sama lain apabila dimasak. Telah dinyatakan terdahulu melalui SEORANG AKTOR dari SBC (sekarang ni dikenali sebagai TCS). Beberapa tahun lalu, yang mana kariernya membuatkan beliau sangat sibuk untuk memasak, jalan mudah mengambil mee segera setiap hari. Kemudiannya beliau disahkan menghidap barah. Barahnya disebabkan wax dalam mee segera. Doktor juga memberitahu yang badan manusia memerlukan 2 hari untuk membersihkan wax dari sistem badan. Seorang lagi mangsa yang serupa ialah Pramugara dari SIA yang mana setelah berpindah dari rumah ibunya ke rumahnya sendiri, Dia tidak memasak tetapi kerap makan mee segera. Dia didapati menghidap barah dan mati selepas itu. Sekarang ini tindakan memakan mee segera bolehlah diistilahkan sebagai 'makan untuk mendapat barah'. Kalau istilah James Bond , 'Licence to kill!'
6. Bawang Goreng segera, Seorang kawan melawat ke sebuah perusahaan kecil membuat bawang goreng, dan melihat terdapat banyak straw minuman. Yang bewarna dan tidak bewarna diasingkan. Apa yang mengejutkan ialah straw yang tidak bewarna dicampur bersama gorengan bawang yang bertujuan apabila plastik straw tersebut dipanaskan, ianya melebur lantas menyaluti bawang tersebut. Sebab itulah kalau bawang goreng segera yang dibeli terdedah kepada udara tak akan lembik tapi kalau kita buat sendiri lembik dalam masa yang singkat sahaja. Sebarkanlah maklumat ini kepada orang- orang yang anda sayangi dan pengguna yang masih belum disedarkan lagi.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Attributes with month of birth
Ambitious and serious
Loves to teach and be taught
Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses
Likes to criticize
Hardworking and productive
Smart, neat and organized
Sensitive and has deep thoughts
Knows how to make others happy
Quiet unless excited or tensed
Rather reserved
Highly attentive
Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds
Romantic but has difficulties expressing love
Loves children
Needs to improve social abilities
Easily jealous
Abstract thoughts
Loves reality and abstract
Intelligent and clever
Changing personality
Quiet, shy and humble
Low self esteem
Honest and loyal
Determined to reach goals
Loves freedom
Rebellious when restricted
Loves aggressiveness
Too sensitive and easily hurt
Showing anger easily
Dislike unnecessary things
Loves making friends but rarely shows it
Daring and stubborn
Realizing dreams and hopes
Loves entertainment and leisure
Romantic on the inside not outside
Superstitious and ludicrous
Learns to show emotions
Attractive personality
Shy and reserved
Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic
Loves peace and serenity
Sensitive to others
Loves to serve others
Not easily angered
Appreciative and returns kindness
Observant and assess others
Loves to dream and fantasize
Loves traveling
Loves attention
Hasty decisions in choosing partners
Loves home decors
Musically talented
Loves special things
Active and dynamic
Decisive and haste but tends to regret
Attractive and affectionate to oneself
Strong mentality
Loves attention
Friendly and solves people's problems
Brave and fearless
Loving and caring
Suave and generous
Good memory
Motivate one self and the others
Sickness usually of the head and chest
Easily get too jealous
Stubborn and hard-hearted
Strong-willed and highly motivated
Sharp thoughts
Easily angered
Attracts others and loves attention
Deep feelings
Beautiful physically and mentally
Firm standpoint
Easily influenced
Needs no motivation
Easily consoled
Systematic (left brain)
Loves to dream
Strong clairvoyance
Sickness usually in the ear and neck
Good imagination
Good debating skills
Good physical
Weak breathing
Loves literature and the arts
Loves traveling
Dislike being at home
Not having many children
High spirited
Thinks far with vision
Easily influenced by kindness
Polite and soft-spoken
Having lots of ideas
Active mind
Tends to delay
Choosy and always wants the best
Funny and humorous
Loves to joke
Good debating skills
Knows how to make friends
Able to show character
Easily hurt
Prone to getting colds
Loves to dress up
Easily bored
Seldom show emotions
Takes time to recover when hurt
Brand conscious
Those who love me are enemies
Those who hate me are friends
Difficult to fathom and to be understood
Quiet unless excited or tensed
Has reputation
Easily consoled
Concern about people's feelings
Very emotional
Unpredictable and temperamental
Moody and easily hurt
Witty and starkly
Neither forgives nor forgets
Caring and loving
Strong sense of sympathy
Judge people through observations
Loves to be alone
Always broods about the past and the old friends
Likes to be quiet
Waits for friends
Not aggressive unless provoked
Loves to be loved
Easily hurt and takes long to recover
Overly concerned
Puts in effort in work
Loves to joke
Suave and caring
Brave and fearless
Firm and has leadership qualities
Knows how to console others
Too generous and egoistic
Takes high pride of oneself
Thirsty for praises
Extraordinary spirit
Easily angered
Angry when provoked
Easily jealous
Careful and cautious
Thinks quickly
Independent thoughts
Loves to lead and to be led
Loves to dream
Talented in the arts, music and defense
Sensitive but not petty
Poor resistance against illnesses
Learns to relax
Hasty and rusty
Loving and caring
Loves to make friends
Suave and compromising
Careful, cautious and organized
Likes to point out people's mistakes
Likes to criticize
Quiet but able to talk well
Calm and cool
Kind and sympathetic
Concerned and detailed
Trustworthy, loyal and honest
Does work well
Good memory
Clever and knowledgeable
Loves to look for information
Must control oneself when criticizing
Able to motivate oneself
Loves sports, leisure and traveling
Hardly shows emotions
Tends to bottle up feelings
Choosy especially in relationships
Loves wide things
Loves to chat
Loves those who loves him
Loves to takes things at the centre
Attractive and suave
Inner and physical beauty
Does not lie or pretend
Treats friends importantly
Always making friends
Easily hurt but recovers easily
Bad tempered
Seldom helps unless asked
Very opinionated
Does not care of what others think
Strong clairvoyance
< style="FONT-SIZE: 18pt"> Loves to travel, the arts and literature
Soft-spoken, loving and caring
Touchy and easily jealous
Loves outdoors
Just and fair
Spendthrift and easily influenced
Easily lose confidence
Have a lot of ideas
Difficult to fathom
Thinks forward
Unique and brilliant
Extraordinary ideas
Sharp thinking
Fine and strong clairvoyance
Can become good doctors
Careful and cautious
Dynamic in personality
Knows how to dig secrets
Always thinking
Less talkative but amiable
Brave and generous
Stubborn and hard-hearted
If there is a will, there is a way
Never give up
Hardly become angry unless provoked
Loves to be alone
Thinks differently from others
Motivates oneself
Does not appreciates praises
Well-built and tough
Deep love and emotions
Uncertain in relationships
High abilities
Honest and keeps secrets
Not able to control emotions
Loyal and generous
Active in games and interactions
Impatient and hasty
Influential in organizations
Loves to socialize
Loves praises
Loves attention
Loves to be loved
Honest and trustworthy
Not pretending
Short tempered and egoistic
Takes high pride in oneself
Hates restrictions
Loves to joke
Good sense of humor
Turn ons
Aries are naturally active and vibrant people and they have affinity for such people too . You will have to increase your pace to be in step with them. Remember they leave tortoises and snails way behind without even glancing at them once. They like and appreciate frank and straightforward persons. With them you can be your true self that is no pretenses (but don’t try your luck being over frank-they are volatile). If you are in love with Ram then you have to show your enthusiasm in all there activities (you can always yawn later!).
Turn offs
Do not tell an Aries that s/he may be wrong lest you may stir a storm in a teacup. But instead do what you feel is right and of course do not take the credit for the work done well. Aries people are very faithful and passionate lovers. Do not give air to the smoldering fire within them by making them jealous. No flirtations or fooling around with others in their presence unless of course you wish to write your death wish (you will be granted!).
Turn ons
Stability and dependability characterize Taurus. They like people who can blend and grow with them. If you have a Taurus partner you should appreciate all things bright and beautiful. They have an inherent artistic sense and are fond of color and music. Judge the life with them from purely materialistic point of view. Enjoy everything luxurious that money can provide. Enjoy good food (better if you can cook to please them) and good drinks with them.
Turn offs
Taurus is very slow to anger (in fact you may spend the whole life with them and still no spark) but you should not push your luck too much. Being unreasonable or aggressive with them may get you into trouble. Do not press him into a corner and if you do be prepared for a violent rage. Taurus is capable of violent outbursts though this is on very rare occasions. If you have a roving eye forget it because Taurus have can take the cake when it comes to being possessive. They can be suffocating when being possessive about you.
Turn ons
Gemini is a highly intellectual and versatile person. If you have a Gemini partner you have to match your wits with his wit s to keep the zing in the relation. They want to be mentally stimulated so you have to be good in conversing. Your sense of humor will get you a permanent residence place in the heart of a Gemini. Be more communicative with them and if you are good in this then you will never know how hours pass by with you holding each others hand.
Turn offs
Gemini’s like to do many things at the same time so if unfortunately you are the types who is looking for stability you may get disappointed. Do not hold back a Gemini or you may lose him, as they are restless and need change in life constantly. You should try to adopt yourself with the ever-changing Gemini. Orthodox or conservative old fashion ideas are no-no in their dictionary. Change with the ever-changing Gemini and do not flow against the current.
Turn ons
Try to adapt yourself with the changing moods of the Cancer. At one moment they may be laughing and enjoying and in another moment they may cry or sulk. You may have to adjust with the moody and sensitive Cancer. They are like the tides in the ocean always fluctuating. Cancer people love food so if you know how to cook and can be poetic and romantic (added Bonus) then you know the way to their heart.
Turn offs
Cancerians are very sensitive people and can get easily hurt. So do not play with their emotions and sentiments. They are like tides that can take you with it. They form emotional bonds with even inanimate things too so do not ask them to discard old caps or souvenirs these things hold special meaning to them. You have to realize that the crabs have soft heart and are vulnerable. Do not contra dict their tested line of thought and action it would only lead to confusion.
Turn ons
If you have Leo partner respect him and his majestic manners. Accept the advice of Leo, the lion, as he is the king of the jungle. It is the sign of a showman so if your partner does everything in grand style enjoy it. Do lavish Leo’s frequently with compliments and see them purr like a cat. They fall easily for flattery and want to be center of attraction of all eyes (sometimes they can be quiet theatrical too).
Turn offs
Never ever hurt the ego of a Leo. Pride, ego and vanity are some of the bags all Leo’s always carry with them. Do not touch these bags. An authoritative Leo is even more difficult to hand dale in such circumstances. Leo is a sunny sign so they do not like people who are gloomy or depressed. Even if you are crying at heart keep a sunny smile on your lips and then let lion take the charge and remove all worries from your life.
Turn ons
Virgo’s are very methodical and have great sense of duty but are blind to their own faults so if you have a Virgo partner emphasize more on their qualities (as it is they are not going to accept). Take keen interest in what they are doing and you will realize that they will go out of their way to help you. Do rely and appreciate their mental powers than physical powers. They can turn even an unsuccessful venture into a success.
Turn offs
Does not push a Virgo into limelight or on the center stage unless of course they do so on there own. They are shy and reserved by nature and do not like to be cynosure of all eyes. Virgo’s have a secrets that virtuous as they are would not like to come out in open so even if you have the key to their secret skeleton closet hide it do not admit even that you know anything about it. Virgo, the virgins, does not want to tarnish their public image.
Turn ons
Libra needs peace and harmony in all their relationship so help them maintain that. Venus the ruling planet gives them beauty and they have weakness for people who can compliment them about their beauty (you will not have to make an effort to do that anyway). You can help Libra seek union and partnership in life. If you have Libra partner you can be sure to share beautiful a nd pleasurable moments together.
Turn offs
Libra is kind and gentle soul but very argumentative. Hence do not start an argument or discussion unless of course you are free and do not know how to pass your time. They hate to lose and most probably in between of discussion they may change their side too (remember scales can tilt) and still continue arguing from other side. Do not push your Libra partner into making decisions. They will keep weighing pros and cons and may still not be able to come to any decision. Have patience!
Turn ons
Scorpio’s are full of passion and zest for life. They have tremendous drive that can involve you too. Tune in to their wavelength and you can enjoy the harmony and music in life with them. Scorpio’s are loyal and never forget a kind deed done by you. If you want to enjoy life with your Scorpio lover share their passion and intensity and you will be fascinated by how beautiful life can be with them.
Turn offs
Scorpio’s are very passionate and intense but they are also fiercely possessive and would like to possess your mind, body and soul. Do not let seeds of jealousy grow in them because then you may have to suffer agonies of jealousy and discontentment in life. Scorpio’s have explosive tempers are careful how you handle them. They never let anyone know what is going on in their mind till they strike and you may be caught unawares. Do not flirt around in the presence of your Scorpio lover.
Turn ons
Sagittarius is basically a happy go lucky kind. You can enjoy with their zest and enthusiasm in life. They can bubble with excitement that can be tangible at times. And if you share same interests and hobbies then life can be great fun together. They are frank and straightforward so if you want some truthful opinion about anything or anyone goes to them. Be optimistic as they are and view life as glass half full.
Turn offs
Sagittarius is fiercely independent and cannot tolerate restriction hence do not try to hold them back in life. Let them enjoy their freedom because if you hold any special place in their heart they will always come back for you. Do not feel irritated by the exaggeration in their speech. They may go on and on talking about certain things that may not even interest you but it is their way of trying to communicate with you. They are basically frank and outspoken (to the point of being rude) so do not feel offended by their talks.
Turn ons
Capricorn are strong and dependable hence if you want to put your money on anyone it is of course this zodiac sign no matter how many difficulties (that incidentally are many) The goat has to undertake to achieve the goals. They are practical and conservative in their outlook and they expect you to blend in their color. They set certain standards for themselves in their life and they will always try to maintain those standards. For them social status and image is very important in life.
Turn offs
Do not expect a Capricorn mate to open their heart and pour everything to you. They are very secretive and reserved people. They are very thorough in all their affairs and hate any kind of sloppiness. Capricorn is very tightfisted and economical. Do not expect lavish gifts from them and if they do give you any gift (that is very rare) it will have some practical use (no romance please) but that does not mean you will be deprived of anything on the contrary you will be well provided.
Turn ons
Aquarius is friendly and fascinating people. They have in-depth knowledge about various subjects and you can converse with them for hours without getting bored. They are capable of giving a lot of love that can be amazing. They have very broad outlook about life and you can relax in their presence. They will always welcome your ideas and actions about humanitarian causes. To keep an Aquarians lover interested you must possess that mysterious and intriguing g quality. Once hooked they will always be very faithful to you.
Turn offs
Do not expect or plan a normal, simple and predictable life with an Aquarius partner. Aquarius people are totally unpredictable. They can go to any direction without giving any advance notice. They are basically very restless and get very easily bored. Though they are very friendly but do not expect them to reveal their inner most feelings to you (they will never). They can be very detached and impersonal that you may find very strange. Do not be surprised by this unpredictable quality that may crop up often
Turn ons
Pisces are very sensitive and charming people. If you are looking for someone who is understanding and can understand your feelings then you have met the right person. You should appreciate their feelings too and in the time when you need them they will help you. Pisces have keenly developed sixth sense and have great intuitive powers. Their hunches may usually be on the mark. But they can exhaust their physical and mental energies. They are born dreamers and you can build palaces with your dream lover (only in real life it may become a little difficult preposition).
Turn offs
Pisces are dreamers and you should not expect them to have worldly ambitions. They are not materialistic in nature. It is not that they like living below the poverty line but they have no earnest desire to accumulate wealth. They are very sensitive and you have to be always careful about their feelings. The fishes are capable of drowning you in their tea as (even men born under this sign). Pisces people are very intuitive but do not depend on them to make decision on important matters
Ambitious and serious
Loves to teach and be taught
Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses
Likes to criticize
Hardworking and productive
Smart, neat and organized
Sensitive and has deep thoughts
Knows how to make others happy
Quiet unless excited or tensed
Rather reserved
Highly attentive
Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds
Romantic but has difficulties expressing love
Loves children
Needs to improve social abilities
Easily jealous
Abstract thoughts
Loves reality and abstract
Intelligent and clever
Changing personality
Quiet, shy and humble
Low self esteem
Honest and loyal
Determined to reach goals
Loves freedom
Rebellious when restricted
Loves aggressiveness
Too sensitive and easily hurt
Showing anger easily
Dislike unnecessary things
Loves making friends but rarely shows it
Daring and stubborn
Realizing dreams and hopes
Loves entertainment and leisure
Romantic on the inside not outside
Superstitious and ludicrous
Learns to show emotions
Attractive personality
Shy and reserved
Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic
Loves peace and serenity
Sensitive to others
Loves to serve others
Not easily angered
Appreciative and returns kindness
Observant and assess others
Loves to dream and fantasize
Loves traveling
Loves attention
Hasty decisions in choosing partners
Loves home decors
Musically talented
Loves special things
Active and dynamic
Decisive and haste but tends to regret
Attractive and affectionate to oneself
Strong mentality
Loves attention
Friendly and solves people's problems
Brave and fearless
Loving and caring
Suave and generous
Good memory
Motivate one self and the others
Sickness usually of the head and chest
Easily get too jealous
Stubborn and hard-hearted
Strong-willed and highly motivated
Sharp thoughts
Easily angered
Attracts others and loves attention
Deep feelings
Beautiful physically and mentally
Firm standpoint
Easily influenced
Needs no motivation
Easily consoled
Systematic (left brain)
Loves to dream
Strong clairvoyance
Sickness usually in the ear and neck
Good imagination
Good debating skills
Good physical
Weak breathing
Loves literature and the arts
Loves traveling
Dislike being at home
Not having many children
High spirited
Thinks far with vision
Easily influenced by kindness
Polite and soft-spoken
Having lots of ideas
Active mind
Tends to delay
Choosy and always wants the best
Funny and humorous
Loves to joke
Good debating skills
Knows how to make friends
Able to show character
Easily hurt
Prone to getting colds
Loves to dress up
Easily bored
Seldom show emotions
Takes time to recover when hurt
Brand conscious
Those who love me are enemies
Those who hate me are friends
Difficult to fathom and to be understood
Quiet unless excited or tensed
Has reputation
Easily consoled
Concern about people's feelings
Very emotional
Unpredictable and temperamental
Moody and easily hurt
Witty and starkly
Neither forgives nor forgets
Caring and loving
Strong sense of sympathy
Judge people through observations
Loves to be alone
Always broods about the past and the old friends
Likes to be quiet
Waits for friends
Not aggressive unless provoked
Loves to be loved
Easily hurt and takes long to recover
Overly concerned
Puts in effort in work
Loves to joke
Suave and caring
Brave and fearless
Firm and has leadership qualities
Knows how to console others
Too generous and egoistic
Takes high pride of oneself
Thirsty for praises
Extraordinary spirit
Easily angered
Angry when provoked
Easily jealous
Careful and cautious
Thinks quickly
Independent thoughts
Loves to lead and to be led
Loves to dream
Talented in the arts, music and defense
Sensitive but not petty
Poor resistance against illnesses
Learns to relax
Hasty and rusty
Loving and caring
Loves to make friends
Suave and compromising
Careful, cautious and organized
Likes to point out people's mistakes
Likes to criticize
Quiet but able to talk well
Calm and cool
Kind and sympathetic
Concerned and detailed
Trustworthy, loyal and honest
Does work well
Good memory
Clever and knowledgeable
Loves to look for information
Must control oneself when criticizing
Able to motivate oneself
Loves sports, leisure and traveling
Hardly shows emotions
Tends to bottle up feelings
Choosy especially in relationships
Loves wide things
Loves to chat
Loves those who loves him
Loves to takes things at the centre
Attractive and suave
Inner and physical beauty
Does not lie or pretend
Treats friends importantly
Always making friends
Easily hurt but recovers easily
Bad tempered
Seldom helps unless asked
Very opinionated
Does not care of what others think
Strong clairvoyance
< style="FONT-SIZE: 18pt"> Loves to travel, the arts and literature
Soft-spoken, loving and caring
Touchy and easily jealous
Loves outdoors
Just and fair
Spendthrift and easily influenced
Easily lose confidence
Have a lot of ideas
Difficult to fathom
Thinks forward
Unique and brilliant
Extraordinary ideas
Sharp thinking
Fine and strong clairvoyance
Can become good doctors
Careful and cautious
Dynamic in personality
Knows how to dig secrets
Always thinking
Less talkative but amiable
Brave and generous
Stubborn and hard-hearted
If there is a will, there is a way
Never give up
Hardly become angry unless provoked
Loves to be alone
Thinks differently from others
Motivates oneself
Does not appreciates praises
Well-built and tough
Deep love and emotions
Uncertain in relationships
High abilities
Honest and keeps secrets
Not able to control emotions
Loyal and generous
Active in games and interactions
Impatient and hasty
Influential in organizations
Loves to socialize
Loves praises
Loves attention
Loves to be loved
Honest and trustworthy
Not pretending
Short tempered and egoistic
Takes high pride in oneself
Hates restrictions
Loves to joke
Good sense of humor
Turn ons
Aries are naturally active and vibrant people and they have affinity for such people too . You will have to increase your pace to be in step with them. Remember they leave tortoises and snails way behind without even glancing at them once. They like and appreciate frank and straightforward persons. With them you can be your true self that is no pretenses (but don’t try your luck being over frank-they are volatile). If you are in love with Ram then you have to show your enthusiasm in all there activities (you can always yawn later!).
Turn offs
Do not tell an Aries that s/he may be wrong lest you may stir a storm in a teacup. But instead do what you feel is right and of course do not take the credit for the work done well. Aries people are very faithful and passionate lovers. Do not give air to the smoldering fire within them by making them jealous. No flirtations or fooling around with others in their presence unless of course you wish to write your death wish (you will be granted!).
Turn ons
Stability and dependability characterize Taurus. They like people who can blend and grow with them. If you have a Taurus partner you should appreciate all things bright and beautiful. They have an inherent artistic sense and are fond of color and music. Judge the life with them from purely materialistic point of view. Enjoy everything luxurious that money can provide. Enjoy good food (better if you can cook to please them) and good drinks with them.
Turn offs
Taurus is very slow to anger (in fact you may spend the whole life with them and still no spark) but you should not push your luck too much. Being unreasonable or aggressive with them may get you into trouble. Do not press him into a corner and if you do be prepared for a violent rage. Taurus is capable of violent outbursts though this is on very rare occasions. If you have a roving eye forget it because Taurus have can take the cake when it comes to being possessive. They can be suffocating when being possessive about you.
Turn ons
Gemini is a highly intellectual and versatile person. If you have a Gemini partner you have to match your wits with his wit s to keep the zing in the relation. They want to be mentally stimulated so you have to be good in conversing. Your sense of humor will get you a permanent residence place in the heart of a Gemini. Be more communicative with them and if you are good in this then you will never know how hours pass by with you holding each others hand.
Turn offs
Gemini’s like to do many things at the same time so if unfortunately you are the types who is looking for stability you may get disappointed. Do not hold back a Gemini or you may lose him, as they are restless and need change in life constantly. You should try to adopt yourself with the ever-changing Gemini. Orthodox or conservative old fashion ideas are no-no in their dictionary. Change with the ever-changing Gemini and do not flow against the current.
Turn ons
Try to adapt yourself with the changing moods of the Cancer. At one moment they may be laughing and enjoying and in another moment they may cry or sulk. You may have to adjust with the moody and sensitive Cancer. They are like the tides in the ocean always fluctuating. Cancer people love food so if you know how to cook and can be poetic and romantic (added Bonus) then you know the way to their heart.
Turn offs
Cancerians are very sensitive people and can get easily hurt. So do not play with their emotions and sentiments. They are like tides that can take you with it. They form emotional bonds with even inanimate things too so do not ask them to discard old caps or souvenirs these things hold special meaning to them. You have to realize that the crabs have soft heart and are vulnerable. Do not contra dict their tested line of thought and action it would only lead to confusion.
Turn ons
If you have Leo partner respect him and his majestic manners. Accept the advice of Leo, the lion, as he is the king of the jungle. It is the sign of a showman so if your partner does everything in grand style enjoy it. Do lavish Leo’s frequently with compliments and see them purr like a cat. They fall easily for flattery and want to be center of attraction of all eyes (sometimes they can be quiet theatrical too).
Turn offs
Never ever hurt the ego of a Leo. Pride, ego and vanity are some of the bags all Leo’s always carry with them. Do not touch these bags. An authoritative Leo is even more difficult to hand dale in such circumstances. Leo is a sunny sign so they do not like people who are gloomy or depressed. Even if you are crying at heart keep a sunny smile on your lips and then let lion take the charge and remove all worries from your life.
Turn ons
Virgo’s are very methodical and have great sense of duty but are blind to their own faults so if you have a Virgo partner emphasize more on their qualities (as it is they are not going to accept). Take keen interest in what they are doing and you will realize that they will go out of their way to help you. Do rely and appreciate their mental powers than physical powers. They can turn even an unsuccessful venture into a success.
Turn offs
Does not push a Virgo into limelight or on the center stage unless of course they do so on there own. They are shy and reserved by nature and do not like to be cynosure of all eyes. Virgo’s have a secrets that virtuous as they are would not like to come out in open so even if you have the key to their secret skeleton closet hide it do not admit even that you know anything about it. Virgo, the virgins, does not want to tarnish their public image.
Turn ons
Libra needs peace and harmony in all their relationship so help them maintain that. Venus the ruling planet gives them beauty and they have weakness for people who can compliment them about their beauty (you will not have to make an effort to do that anyway). You can help Libra seek union and partnership in life. If you have Libra partner you can be sure to share beautiful a nd pleasurable moments together.
Turn offs
Libra is kind and gentle soul but very argumentative. Hence do not start an argument or discussion unless of course you are free and do not know how to pass your time. They hate to lose and most probably in between of discussion they may change their side too (remember scales can tilt) and still continue arguing from other side. Do not push your Libra partner into making decisions. They will keep weighing pros and cons and may still not be able to come to any decision. Have patience!
Turn ons
Scorpio’s are full of passion and zest for life. They have tremendous drive that can involve you too. Tune in to their wavelength and you can enjoy the harmony and music in life with them. Scorpio’s are loyal and never forget a kind deed done by you. If you want to enjoy life with your Scorpio lover share their passion and intensity and you will be fascinated by how beautiful life can be with them.
Turn offs
Scorpio’s are very passionate and intense but they are also fiercely possessive and would like to possess your mind, body and soul. Do not let seeds of jealousy grow in them because then you may have to suffer agonies of jealousy and discontentment in life. Scorpio’s have explosive tempers are careful how you handle them. They never let anyone know what is going on in their mind till they strike and you may be caught unawares. Do not flirt around in the presence of your Scorpio lover.
Turn ons
Sagittarius is basically a happy go lucky kind. You can enjoy with their zest and enthusiasm in life. They can bubble with excitement that can be tangible at times. And if you share same interests and hobbies then life can be great fun together. They are frank and straightforward so if you want some truthful opinion about anything or anyone goes to them. Be optimistic as they are and view life as glass half full.
Turn offs
Sagittarius is fiercely independent and cannot tolerate restriction hence do not try to hold them back in life. Let them enjoy their freedom because if you hold any special place in their heart they will always come back for you. Do not feel irritated by the exaggeration in their speech. They may go on and on talking about certain things that may not even interest you but it is their way of trying to communicate with you. They are basically frank and outspoken (to the point of being rude) so do not feel offended by their talks.
Turn ons
Capricorn are strong and dependable hence if you want to put your money on anyone it is of course this zodiac sign no matter how many difficulties (that incidentally are many) The goat has to undertake to achieve the goals. They are practical and conservative in their outlook and they expect you to blend in their color. They set certain standards for themselves in their life and they will always try to maintain those standards. For them social status and image is very important in life.
Turn offs
Do not expect a Capricorn mate to open their heart and pour everything to you. They are very secretive and reserved people. They are very thorough in all their affairs and hate any kind of sloppiness. Capricorn is very tightfisted and economical. Do not expect lavish gifts from them and if they do give you any gift (that is very rare) it will have some practical use (no romance please) but that does not mean you will be deprived of anything on the contrary you will be well provided.
Turn ons
Aquarius is friendly and fascinating people. They have in-depth knowledge about various subjects and you can converse with them for hours without getting bored. They are capable of giving a lot of love that can be amazing. They have very broad outlook about life and you can relax in their presence. They will always welcome your ideas and actions about humanitarian causes. To keep an Aquarians lover interested you must possess that mysterious and intriguing g quality. Once hooked they will always be very faithful to you.
Turn offs
Do not expect or plan a normal, simple and predictable life with an Aquarius partner. Aquarius people are totally unpredictable. They can go to any direction without giving any advance notice. They are basically very restless and get very easily bored. Though they are very friendly but do not expect them to reveal their inner most feelings to you (they will never). They can be very detached and impersonal that you may find very strange. Do not be surprised by this unpredictable quality that may crop up often
Turn ons
Pisces are very sensitive and charming people. If you are looking for someone who is understanding and can understand your feelings then you have met the right person. You should appreciate their feelings too and in the time when you need them they will help you. Pisces have keenly developed sixth sense and have great intuitive powers. Their hunches may usually be on the mark. But they can exhaust their physical and mental energies. They are born dreamers and you can build palaces with your dream lover (only in real life it may become a little difficult preposition).
Turn offs
Pisces are dreamers and you should not expect them to have worldly ambitions. They are not materialistic in nature. It is not that they like living below the poverty line but they have no earnest desire to accumulate wealth. They are very sensitive and you have to be always careful about their feelings. The fishes are capable of drowning you in their tea as (even men born under this sign). Pisces people are very intuitive but do not depend on them to make decision on important matters
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
A good article share with you all
Do you know what is family?
Do you really understand what is behind the word family?
It gives me a shock when I know the answer.
So long I never realize I don't know the real
Meaning of family..........
Here Is The Answer .......... FAMILY =
WHY does a man want to have a WIFE? Because:
WHY does a woman want to have a HUSBAND?
Do you know that a simple "HELLO" can be a sweet one?
Especially from your love one. (I mean not only from the boyfriend/girlfriend).
The word HELLO means :
(H)ow are you?
(E)verything all right?
(L)ike to hear from you
(L)ove to see you soon!
(O)bviously, I miss you ..
Do you know what is family?
Do you really understand what is behind the word family?
It gives me a shock when I know the answer.
So long I never realize I don't know the real
Meaning of family..........
Here Is The Answer .......... FAMILY =
WHY does a man want to have a WIFE? Because:
WHY does a woman want to have a HUSBAND?
Do you know that a simple "HELLO" can be a sweet one?
Especially from your love one. (I mean not only from the boyfriend/girlfriend).
The word HELLO means :
(H)ow are you?
(E)verything all right?
(L)ike to hear from you
(L)ove to see you soon!
(O)bviously, I miss you ..
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
An article from the web http://www.mail-archive.com/dharmajala@yahoogroups.com/msg06609.html
WhAt you have in mind after reading it? MiNd to post CoMmEnT...
[Dharmajala] Fwd: An inspiring story about Rev. Dhammananda
Jenty SiswantoMon, 09 Oct 2006 23:06:18 -0700
Posted by Azlan in www.jeffooi.comFAREWELLAS a news reporter with The Malay Mail between 1994 and 2005, Imet Rev. Dhammananda several times - usually during Wesak Daycelebrations he led at the Buddhist Maha Vihara (temple) inBrickfields and a few other occasions.Every time I bumped into him, I only asked a few questions justto get some quotes for my news report. Never did I have a properconversation with him. I regret that now.I'd like to share what to me was a very special experienceduring one of my meetings with him. It was on Christmas Day in 1998 when my Assistant News Editor assigned me to cover a Christmas party for some 200 underprivileged children. It was quite a news-worthy item to cover as it was heldat the vihara in Brickfields, organised by a group of Christians, the Santa Claus was a Hindu and the contributor for all the balloons adorning the party area was a Muslim!But what I will remember of that day forever was what the Reverend said and did.
You see, Dec '98 was also the month of Ramadhan, where (many)Muslims like me were fasting. By the time I arrived at the vihara,it was 6.30pm and many children were already playing around, takingphotos with Santa and being entertained by a clown, among others.
At about 15 minutes before 7-something pm (buka puasa time), Iwas busy thinking of where to go for my dinner - either the nearbyKentucky Fried Chicken or a roadside teh tarik stall, both withinwalking distances from the vihara.The Reverend, the vihara's religious advisor back then, musthave been observing me. He walked up to me and, as if he had read mymind, calmly said: "Young man, don't think too much. You can buka puasahere. I will accompany you."
I agreed in a split second. He solved my problem!"Please forgive us. We only have vegetarian dishes here," hehumbly and smilingly added, while leading me to a dining tablesomewhere in the vihara's premises.I was speechless. He brought me right down to earth with thosefew simple words. Even if there were only cookies served with lots ofplain water at the vihara, I'll be happy enough.So, there we were, sitting at the dining table, together with afew other priests in their saffron robes and a spread of vegetariandishes was laid out in front of us.As I was making sure my wristwatch was accurate, the Reverendtook out a small pocket transistor radio from somewhere, turned it onand tuned in to a Bahasa Malaysia radio station.As scheduled, the muezzin recited the call for the eveningprayer through the little speaker, which also marked the moment to breakfast. "Go ahead, Azlan," he told me to start first. Only after I hadmy first gulp of water for the day, did he and the other priests starteating. I was honoured and humbled at the same time.The fact that I didn't go to KFC or the the tarik stall wasn'tbecause I didn't know how to turn down the Chief High Priest ofMalaysian and Singaporean Theravada Buddhists' dinner invitation.It was buka puasa in a Buddhist temple for me, during a Christmasparty!How cool was that, eh?Seriously, the Reverend's humble gestures greatly raised myrespect and admiration for him. During that brief encounter withhim, my personal tolerance and understanding towards other people's faiths, beliefs and cultures was greatly altered, for the better. In less than an hour of dining together, his simple acts of humility made me a better person, more open-minded and drastically changed, for the better, my ways of looking at the world I live in.
It was a small but very refreshing respite for this one tiredreporter near the end of that very colourful and turbulent year -street 'Reformasi' protests, KL Commonwealth Games, the horriblesmog and the Asian economic crisis, among many others.To me, the Rev. Dhammananda was a great Buddhist and moreimportantly, a great human being.Malaysia and its Buddhist community have lost a very specialperson.With much sadness, I bid farewell to him.
WhAt you have in mind after reading it? MiNd to post CoMmEnT...
[Dharmajala] Fwd: An inspiring story about Rev. Dhammananda
Jenty SiswantoMon, 09 Oct 2006 23:06:18 -0700
Posted by Azlan in www.jeffooi.comFAREWELLAS a news reporter with The Malay Mail between 1994 and 2005, Imet Rev. Dhammananda several times - usually during Wesak Daycelebrations he led at the Buddhist Maha Vihara (temple) inBrickfields and a few other occasions.Every time I bumped into him, I only asked a few questions justto get some quotes for my news report. Never did I have a properconversation with him. I regret that now.I'd like to share what to me was a very special experienceduring one of my meetings with him. It was on Christmas Day in 1998 when my Assistant News Editor assigned me to cover a Christmas party for some 200 underprivileged children. It was quite a news-worthy item to cover as it was heldat the vihara in Brickfields, organised by a group of Christians, the Santa Claus was a Hindu and the contributor for all the balloons adorning the party area was a Muslim!But what I will remember of that day forever was what the Reverend said and did.
You see, Dec '98 was also the month of Ramadhan, where (many)Muslims like me were fasting. By the time I arrived at the vihara,it was 6.30pm and many children were already playing around, takingphotos with Santa and being entertained by a clown, among others.
At about 15 minutes before 7-something pm (buka puasa time), Iwas busy thinking of where to go for my dinner - either the nearbyKentucky Fried Chicken or a roadside teh tarik stall, both withinwalking distances from the vihara.The Reverend, the vihara's religious advisor back then, musthave been observing me. He walked up to me and, as if he had read mymind, calmly said: "Young man, don't think too much. You can buka puasahere. I will accompany you."
I agreed in a split second. He solved my problem!"Please forgive us. We only have vegetarian dishes here," hehumbly and smilingly added, while leading me to a dining tablesomewhere in the vihara's premises.I was speechless. He brought me right down to earth with thosefew simple words. Even if there were only cookies served with lots ofplain water at the vihara, I'll be happy enough.So, there we were, sitting at the dining table, together with afew other priests in their saffron robes and a spread of vegetariandishes was laid out in front of us.As I was making sure my wristwatch was accurate, the Reverendtook out a small pocket transistor radio from somewhere, turned it onand tuned in to a Bahasa Malaysia radio station.As scheduled, the muezzin recited the call for the eveningprayer through the little speaker, which also marked the moment to breakfast. "Go ahead, Azlan," he told me to start first. Only after I hadmy first gulp of water for the day, did he and the other priests starteating. I was honoured and humbled at the same time.The fact that I didn't go to KFC or the the tarik stall wasn'tbecause I didn't know how to turn down the Chief High Priest ofMalaysian and Singaporean Theravada Buddhists' dinner invitation.It was buka puasa in a Buddhist temple for me, during a Christmasparty!How cool was that, eh?Seriously, the Reverend's humble gestures greatly raised myrespect and admiration for him. During that brief encounter withhim, my personal tolerance and understanding towards other people's faiths, beliefs and cultures was greatly altered, for the better. In less than an hour of dining together, his simple acts of humility made me a better person, more open-minded and drastically changed, for the better, my ways of looking at the world I live in.
It was a small but very refreshing respite for this one tiredreporter near the end of that very colourful and turbulent year -street 'Reformasi' protests, KL Commonwealth Games, the horriblesmog and the Asian economic crisis, among many others.To me, the Rev. Dhammananda was a great Buddhist and moreimportantly, a great human being.Malaysia and its Buddhist community have lost a very specialperson.With much sadness, I bid farewell to him.
Monday, October 23, 2006

We have had some good times
And we have had some tough.
But you have always been there
Even when times got rough.
Some friends come and go
And some always remain.
No matter if we change
Or if we stay the some.
A true friend will always bethere
No matter what the case.
And you have always done that
No matter what l'vefaced.
Please always know that
Whatever comes your way
l will be a true friend for you
Untill my dying day.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
knock, knock knock, special deliverd come.......anybody home?????????knock, knock.......why this blog become sooooooooooooooooo silent liao de??????????????where are our YY members???????????all is busy now ma?everyone is busy menyambut Hari Raya or Deepavali?????hahahaha.............(just kidding)
next tuesday and wednesday is hari raya holiday, which all brothers and sisters in dharma have a wonderful holiday~~!
TAKE CARE.....................
next tuesday and wednesday is hari raya holiday, which all brothers and sisters in dharma have a wonderful holiday~~!
TAKE CARE.....................
Monday, October 16, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
友缘之家: October 2006
hi,大家好, 我是冠祺.我今天第一天加入这大家庭,有点不习惯. 请大家多多指教. 希望大家给我多多意见. 我觉得很开心啊... 友缘会有这样的网站, 这很好诶!可以在忙碌的生活里有许许多多的喜怒哀乐都可以在这里分享和发泄.但是不要在这发脾气啦....o...对了,谁做的网站哈?请帮我谢谢他or她. 哈哈! 朋友们, 让我们的心容纳在一个充满关怀,幸福,快乐 的大家庭里. 记得常常去聚会哦.... 欢迎大家常常给我个口信哦......
hi,大家好, 我是冠祺.我今天第一天加入这大家庭,有点不习惯. 请大家多多指教. 希望大家给我多多意见. 我觉得很开心啊... 友缘会有这样的网站, 这很好诶!可以在忙碌的生活里有许许多多的喜怒哀乐都可以在这里分享和发泄.但是不要在这发脾气啦....o...对了,谁做的网站哈?请帮我谢谢他or她. 哈哈! 朋友们, 让我们的心容纳在一个充满关怀,幸福,快乐 的大家庭里. 记得常常去聚会哦.... 欢迎大家常常给我个口信哦......
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
一年一度中秋节又来临了。到了中秋,在海外拼搏,求学及工作的游子,少有不会想到他们的根源- 家。
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Dear Bro Kai Siang,
I'm Pei Jen,not sure whether u remember me ,but i dun mind since we din met much last time.
I'm now in KL,heard that ur in KL too. I need your favour:)
Our uni will have a recriutment drive for each society and clubs,and i'm part of the Buddhist Society.We had a meeting with the Committee of the IMU Buddhist Society,and we think it will be great if we are able to invite someone to our campus to present some buddhist hymns. Certain time will be allocated for each and every clubs to present something on stage to promte their clubs, and we think it'll be great if u can come:) please give me your email so i can send u more info,k?thanks:)
sukhi hotu
With metta ,
Pei Jen
I'm Pei Jen,not sure whether u remember me ,but i dun mind since we din met much last time.
I'm now in KL,heard that ur in KL too. I need your favour:)
Our uni will have a recriutment drive for each society and clubs,and i'm part of the Buddhist Society.We had a meeting with the Committee of the IMU Buddhist Society,and we think it will be great if we are able to invite someone to our campus to present some buddhist hymns. Certain time will be allocated for each and every clubs to present something on stage to promte their clubs, and we think it'll be great if u can come:) please give me your email so i can send u more info,k?thanks:)
sukhi hotu
With metta ,
Pei Jen
Monday, September 18, 2006

2006年的國民服務活動終於完了, 終於完了的意思是做到真的是有心無力,因為每當星期日大家都睡到日上三崗,而我們這些負責活動的人就要早早起床,這對我個人而言是最大的痛苦啦!
DOes anyone realised YY members are getting less n less?
I received some news tht there's a lot of ppl be song one ppl. U all sure know who is tht?
Since I left YY, I thought I'm the only one is de victim..But, now..(grin)..not only me.
WHy is she still there?
SHe shud be ban frm YY. Giving lots of pain in de ass!
I don't get it. Always say we are brothers n sisters..but seniors nvr help them.
But, u guys there love to gossips ppl frm behind de back. So, u guys teach those juniors in there? Gossipping how bad ppl are, talking about how rich is ppl's family and such and such... Is tht all u learn there? Aunties n Uncles oso like tht. Such a pain, annoying human beings.
I tot Buddha says, gosipping no good, is a sin.
Tht;s why ba..no point going there. Eventho if I bring my frens go, i feel ashamed. We're not learning anything. Just going there to let ppl kutuk nia.
Why such a nice place got such ppl there?
I received some news tht there's a lot of ppl be song one ppl. U all sure know who is tht?
Since I left YY, I thought I'm the only one is de victim..But, now..(grin)..not only me.
WHy is she still there?
SHe shud be ban frm YY. Giving lots of pain in de ass!
I don't get it. Always say we are brothers n sisters..but seniors nvr help them.
But, u guys there love to gossips ppl frm behind de back. So, u guys teach those juniors in there? Gossipping how bad ppl are, talking about how rich is ppl's family and such and such... Is tht all u learn there? Aunties n Uncles oso like tht. Such a pain, annoying human beings.
I tot Buddha says, gosipping no good, is a sin.
Tht;s why ba..no point going there. Eventho if I bring my frens go, i feel ashamed. We're not learning anything. Just going there to let ppl kutuk nia.
Why such a nice place got such ppl there?
As understand, 最近友缘接了不少的大型活动,有东马高级佛法研修营啦,佛青生活营啦,现在更多了儿童生活营... 好忙哦!每一个都是不简单的任务。希望大家不要累坏了。这些工作都是一个接着一个,似乎没有什么呼吸的空间。知道大家会很忙,很伤脑筋。无法在行动上帮助你们,只好在此给大家加油,打打气。所有的活动一定会圆满举办,圆满落幕。不过,努力为大家奉献之余,记得要照顾自己喔!感谢每一位愿意牺牲和付出的兄弟姐妹。只要大家同心协力,互相帮忙,互相鼓励,互相扶持,互相学习,必定成功!
sadhu.. sadhu.. sadhu. 阿弥陀佛!
sadhu.. sadhu.. sadhu. 阿弥陀佛!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
now is local fruits season, rambutan & durian is anywhere. last mth, my worker's parent gave us a lot of rambutan & i ate a lot. next day became very ill... 2 days ago, i saw the yellow durian looks fresh, so i tak boleh tahan, bought some & ate a lot, too. now, teruk, voice hampir hilang (; ;)!
i supposed to give a training dis pm to my client, but now no choice, ve to postpone to mon. disease really come from 'mouth'.
so, don't be like me bro & sis, take gd care ;p
i supposed to give a training dis pm to my client, but now no choice, ve to postpone to mon. disease really come from 'mouth'.
so, don't be like me bro & sis, take gd care ;p
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

我也覺得好像這個 blog只為几個人而設,來來去去就這么几個人在自己講自己爽,為什么了…其他人是不懂或是不知道怎樣上網嗎?不可能吧!像我這個這樣不update的人都會,其他人應該都沒有問題吧!
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