Sunday, June 11, 2006



Wormmie Wood said...

ARRRGGHHHH!!!!!!!!! why issit in chinese?
can translate?
I read it until very san fu.
Only can read a bit... =`[

壮荣 said...

ha, guess you have to learn back the language. Xiang, i am still to the html text. not really good yet. But will try to update bit by bit. Any suggestion??

俐频 said...

i wonder who is YuYang??? i tho is Yihong.. o~ finally i know is u~~ kaisiang!! is YuYang ur name in the music cafe, too?? it is art & literature! hopefully i can get the cd very soon, as long times din get any new buddhist songs. v met ur fren (heqiang) & did invite him to come to our gathering last sat, but not sure whether he came bcoz i was not attended, too. so many years had passed since u pp left... like flyy (YiBing) said, really miss the olden days with u guy/gal...

羽羊 said...


俐频 said...

Wao, 你好酷叻!连照相都那么酷!名字也那么酷,不愧是个搞艺术的人。我真的觉得你蛮有条件成为一个歌手的(^^)看,近来Astro的得奖歌手也不够你帅呢!哈哈!(别给那些人的歌迷知道,否则我会被变成几块呢!)。好想有一天,能够到你注唱的那个餐厅听你现场的演唱。我想,那一定很棒!和那么多志同道合的朋友一起,无论歌艺或演出一定进步很多吧!下次回来时,能不能可怜我们一下,“免费”在聚会时表演给我们看啊?别像躲狗仔队那样躲我们啦!哈!


羽羊 said...


Wormmie Wood said...

Aunty Lee Peng...when i read ur comments..i laughed so loud. U really so kua making advertisement..Hahahaha!!! Everything is so cool to u. Me le me le..i cool ma..dead face here..kakaka!!!

俐频 said...

FLYY, 你完全看懂我写的华文吗?很惊讶叻!我以为你很多会看不明白,所以一直都用英文和你“八”。那就好了,以后偶尔用华语也不怕你看不懂!
