Hello Brothers & Sisters in the Dhamma:)
This is the picture of the lanterns that made by our Buddhist Society in my Uni.It's a tradition in Sri Lanka that during Wesak Day,they hang up these lanterns and light them up to symbolise the teaching of the Buddha at the light in the darkness. The paper used to make this is originally imported from Sri Lanka:)
We've lots of Sri Lanka friends in my uni(international Medical University),and lectures too.They're very keen and helped to make these lanterns for the Wesak Day last month:)
Oh,Sis Lee Peng,i'm in KL now,my campus is in Bukit Jalil,near the Stadium:)
Doing 2nd year medicine:) long way to go:)
Keep in touch and may u all be well and happy:)
Pei Jen
wat is the lanters means? It looks like jelly fish to me. =P
as peijen explained, it symbolise the teaching of the buddha at the light in the darkness.
study medicine, is it hard? u seem enjoy ur Uni life very well. i tho u oledi became christian in few yrs ago, haha... glad to hear tat u r still buddhist, and ve a lot of buddhist frens now in the Uni. I believed, ur buddhist society may ve a lot of difference things fr yy, since many of thems are from sri-langka. the traditional that they bring to u shld be very new. i never heard of lantern before u told us. when did u come back to Miri? pls let us know so that v can sit down & perhaps to learn some experiences from you :->
beside lanten, there is a special dance they dance on wesak day. it is good to know how ppl celebrate wesak differently with us around the world yet on same occasion.
good to hear from you peijen.
hello.In the mid of preparing my final exam which is less than 2 weeks time,stressed to the MAXIMUM level,i'm loss in overcoming the stress,come to think of it i'm giving myself too much expectation.Remember Bro Tan told me(by the way,Bro Tan is our meditation teacher,he's very good as a buddhist practitioner,doing lots of Dhammaduta work)"without stress,one cant even stand." i guess Bro Chuang Rong will understand,with all the physics formula,where stress = pressure/surface area(something like that)...
Hmmm...have doubt with my own ability to cope,even so far i havent't fail any teat(fortunatuely)i just cant get that fear out of my mind.
Sis Lee Peng,
Sorry for not keeping in touch with u all since i left:) I'm still learning the teaching of the Buddha.I must say that our meditation teacher,Bro Tan has inspired most of us in my uni.Like what the Buddha said"Ehi pasiko",which mean come n investigate,so we can come to experience the truth and come to a better understanding.
WE'll meet again.
P/s Reading the messages from u all keep reminding me not to forget bout the Triple Gem,may u all be protected by the trple Gem.
Sukhi Hotu
With Metta,
So hapy to know tat there is a very responsible guy, and is taking a lot of effort to guide the young buddhist at u uni. hope 2 meet bro tan 1 day (v like to make fren with buddhist around). u might have learnt a lot of things fr him for these yrs :->
i left behind a lot now.. 1 dhamma book now spend even 1 yr also cannot finish, haha.. practise is more important, but the environment of learning also important. if everybody around is hard working & push each other a lot, then the members wld improve a lot. if not, the improvement will slow down, like me now.. hehehe.. but i'm trying to 'call back' myself now, and start to join yy activities again so tat i can learn again fr the frens around like b4 (learning is never end).
exam is always tension. just try to give some relaxing times 4 urself.. not spending too much times but just a few mins. lie down and relax (the whole body). dis is the way i learn fr sis. guisi (a senior in Miri), quite good. u may try.
good luck!
Dear Sis Lee Peng,
Sure,when u all come then we'll go to Nalanda Buddhist Centre for a visit,sure u all will love the place.It's simple,nice,peaceful and calm place:) Check it out at the website then u'l definately agree with me.Haha:)
We've meditation class every wed nite,lead by Bro Tan.We do Metta Meditation.It's important to practice after learning it,practice everyday,be consistant n persistan,that's what Bro Tan says always.We need to strengthen the mind,"the mind is the fore-runner",so i's very imporatant for us to discipline our mind,"a calm mind is condusive to happiness". I sometimes din do mediatation coz of my poor time management n laziness.So must put in more effort,as Bro Tan said,"Pariyoga" = effort,in Pali language.
when we carfully observe our daily life,it's like a cycle.round n round n round,repeating n repeating.
We must be determined to learn Dharma,practice everyday,every moment,by being more mindful of our thoughts,speech n action.Practice again n again so that we wouldn't forget,If we dun practise,we'll forget,then we'll have to start all over again.
These are some of my sharing for today.Hmm.now,i'd better do some siting before i sleep.
Have a good day.
MAy u all be well and happy:)
P/s Got some advice from Bro Tan that day,he urged us to read more,on Buddhism,"if Buddhist dunno Buddhism,who else do?",he left me with this question,which i shall reflect on:)
correction: effort = payoga ,not pariyoga.sorry :)
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