Dear Bro Kai Siang,
I'm Pei Jen,not sure whether u remember me ,but i dun mind since we din met much last time.
I'm now in KL,heard that ur in KL too. I need your favour:)
Our uni will have a recriutment drive for each society and clubs,and i'm part of the Buddhist Society.We had a meeting with the Committee of the IMU Buddhist Society,and we think it will be great if we are able to invite someone to our campus to present some buddhist hymns. Certain time will be allocated for each and every clubs to present something on stage to promte their clubs, and we think it'll be great if u can come:) please give me your email so i can send u more info,k?thanks:)
sukhi hotu
With metta ,
Pei Jen
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006

2006年的國民服務活動終於完了, 終於完了的意思是做到真的是有心無力,因為每當星期日大家都睡到日上三崗,而我們這些負責活動的人就要早早起床,這對我個人而言是最大的痛苦啦!
DOes anyone realised YY members are getting less n less?
I received some news tht there's a lot of ppl be song one ppl. U all sure know who is tht?
Since I left YY, I thought I'm the only one is de victim..But, now..(grin)..not only me.
WHy is she still there?
SHe shud be ban frm YY. Giving lots of pain in de ass!
I don't get it. Always say we are brothers n sisters..but seniors nvr help them.
But, u guys there love to gossips ppl frm behind de back. So, u guys teach those juniors in there? Gossipping how bad ppl are, talking about how rich is ppl's family and such and such... Is tht all u learn there? Aunties n Uncles oso like tht. Such a pain, annoying human beings.
I tot Buddha says, gosipping no good, is a sin.
Tht;s why point going there. Eventho if I bring my frens go, i feel ashamed. We're not learning anything. Just going there to let ppl kutuk nia.
Why such a nice place got such ppl there?
I received some news tht there's a lot of ppl be song one ppl. U all sure know who is tht?
Since I left YY, I thought I'm the only one is de victim..But, now..(grin)..not only me.
WHy is she still there?
SHe shud be ban frm YY. Giving lots of pain in de ass!
I don't get it. Always say we are brothers n sisters..but seniors nvr help them.
But, u guys there love to gossips ppl frm behind de back. So, u guys teach those juniors in there? Gossipping how bad ppl are, talking about how rich is ppl's family and such and such... Is tht all u learn there? Aunties n Uncles oso like tht. Such a pain, annoying human beings.
I tot Buddha says, gosipping no good, is a sin.
Tht;s why point going there. Eventho if I bring my frens go, i feel ashamed. We're not learning anything. Just going there to let ppl kutuk nia.
Why such a nice place got such ppl there?
As understand, 最近友缘接了不少的大型活动,有东马高级佛法研修营啦,佛青生活营啦,现在更多了儿童生活营... 好忙哦!每一个都是不简单的任务。希望大家不要累坏了。这些工作都是一个接着一个,似乎没有什么呼吸的空间。知道大家会很忙,很伤脑筋。无法在行动上帮助你们,只好在此给大家加油,打打气。所有的活动一定会圆满举办,圆满落幕。不过,努力为大家奉献之余,记得要照顾自己喔!感谢每一位愿意牺牲和付出的兄弟姐妹。只要大家同心协力,互相帮忙,互相鼓励,互相扶持,互相学习,必定成功!
sadhu.. sadhu.. sadhu. 阿弥陀佛!
sadhu.. sadhu.. sadhu. 阿弥陀佛!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
now is local fruits season, rambutan & durian is anywhere. last mth, my worker's parent gave us a lot of rambutan & i ate a lot. next day became very ill... 2 days ago, i saw the yellow durian looks fresh, so i tak boleh tahan, bought some & ate a lot, too. now, teruk, voice hampir hilang (; ;)!
i supposed to give a training dis pm to my client, but now no choice, ve to postpone to mon. disease really come from 'mouth'.
so, don't be like me bro & sis, take gd care ;p
i supposed to give a training dis pm to my client, but now no choice, ve to postpone to mon. disease really come from 'mouth'.
so, don't be like me bro & sis, take gd care ;p
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

我也覺得好像這個 blog只為几個人而設,來來去去就這么几個人在自己講自己爽,為什么了…其他人是不懂或是不知道怎樣上網嗎?不可能吧!像我這個這樣不update的人都會,其他人應該都沒有問題吧!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
9月2日(星期六)8.00pm 居士林 弘法活動
9月3日(星期日)1.30pm 居士林 弘法活動
9月4日(星期一)8.00pm 居士林 弘法活動
9月2日(星期六)8.00pm 居士林 弘法活動
9月3日(星期日)1.30pm 居士林 弘法活動
9月4日(星期一)8.00pm 居士林 弘法活動
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